
ディベートのすすめ 2013 - 到来するりこの時代 -

     さーて、一年を振り返るってなると、短いようでなかなかに長いものでもありますが、まず日本年始最初の大会、ディベートのすすめについてお話しましょう。ディベートのすすめとは、慶応大学が学問のすすめにちなんで主催する、Asian Styleの大会です。Asian Styleについて分からない方もたくさんいらっしゃるかと思うので説明を加えますと、一年生の皆がいつもやっているNorth American Styleを引き延ばしたようなものですね。さらにこの大会には少し変わった趣向がなされていて、男女が最低一人ずつ、しかも他大学同士で組まなければいけないという恋愛促進系エンターテインメントーナメントになっております。








R1: Early Morning Miscellaneousness
THW ban corporations from hiring celebrities to advocate their products and/or services.
THW no longer require the victim's consent to prosecute those guilty of committing domestic violence.
THW ban the public display of sacrilegious arts.

R2: Ghosts...Yes, The Spooky Stuff
THW never prosecute exorcists, priests, and witch doctors for any injuries and accidents that occur from their performance of rituals.
THE ban enterprises that seek to gain profit from the supernatural(such as fortune telling, ghost busters etc)
THW introduce a time limit on bringing prosecutions for genocide.

R3: Sports and Its Problems
THS the use of sex appeal to generate interest in female sports.
THBT athletes who have been proven guilty to have used performance enhancement drugs have a moral duty to give up the profits that they have gained during their career for an anti drugs campaign.
THW ban the international recruitment/trade if sports players below the age of 18.

R4: Our Blue Planet
THBT the French intervention undermines Malian independence.
THBT Israel should materially support Arab pro-democratic movements. 
THBT United Kingdom should hold an immediate referendum on whether to remain a member of the European Union.

QF: The world we all love...FREEDOM
THBT universities of first world nations should suspend partnerships with universities from the third world. if/when the third world nation implements a legislation that is opposed to the moral value of the first world nation(such as oppression of minorities, severe restrictions on freedom of speech etc)
THBT the West should promise preferential economic and political cooperation to Arab democracies that adopt secular constitutions.
THBT free speech should include the right to offend.

SF: Criminal Justice for The Win
THW place all criminals with proven gang or organized crime connections in solitary confinement, with no visitation rights, or contact with the outside world(or other prisoners), for the duration of their prison sentences.
THBT vigilantism should be a defense to criminal charges in jurisdictions with extremely high crime rates.
THBT a victim's forgiveness can be used to mitigate a wrongdoer's prison sentence

GF: Love Sexy Canadians(Motions)
TH celebrates the willingness of women to be 'sluts'
THBT marriage should not be registered to the state or be legally binding, and remain as a private contract between individuals
THBT the state should pay a wage to housewives and househusbands

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